Archive for ‘Susan Boyle’


Susan Boyle Gets A Whopping Cool 6 Million On Her Birthday!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Can you say LOADED and especially on your Birthday , pure pure awesomeness and its very well deserved! Susan Boyle will be receiving a huge paycheck on her 49th birthday. On April 1st, she will get a check for royalties on her debut album in the amount of $6 million. Her multi-platinum debut album, “I Dreamed A Dream” came out eight months after Susan won the world over with her performance on “Britain’s Got Talent.”British tabloids are reporting that Susan plans to use the money on a new home, but stay in her hometown of Blackburn, Scotland. They say she’s looking for a place with better security, especially following the break-in last January.
There will be no April fools for this talented lady, she will be singing all the way to the bank! But she should definitely consider moving now that everyone is aware of what’s to come, upgrade and do your thang but never change inside! xoxo


Lady Gaga Wants A Duet With Susan Boyle At Brit Awards!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Lady GaGa has received three nominations for this year’s Brit Awards including International Album, and says she would like to perform a duet with Susan Boyle at the event. GaGa’s “The Fame” has also earned her nominations for International Female Solo Artist, and International Breakthrough Act. She’s up against Rihanna, Shakira and Norah Jones in the Female Solo Artist category, and she faces off with Taylor Swift for the International Breakthrough artist award.
The 30th Annual Brit Awards take place February 16th in London, and GaGa is slated to perform. She’s expressed interest in a duet with Susan Boyle, who she’s reportedly obsessed with! GaGa’s also a 5-time 2010 Grammy Award nominee. (Go girl) Lady Gaga is so unique and different that we have no choice but to listen she is extremely talented and a force to be reckoned with and Susan Boyle has an awesome voice, this truly shows that when you have talent your age, looks or where you come from doesn’t matter to others …when you go against the stereotypes and just be you who knows the blessings you will get/, Look at these 2 women they are proof you can be what you want to be if you become great at it!!!