Archive for ‘Lindsay Lohan’


Lindsay Lohan Speaks After Jail Sentence & Rehab To Vanity Fair!!

by Simply Veronica D.

So much for that million-dollar OK! magazine tell all. Lindsay Lohan has broken her silence since leaving jail and rehab and Vanity Fair was lucky enough to get the interview. Unfortunately, it sounds like every other interview she’s given in the past.

Lilo, who spent 22 days in rehab, is still insisting she doesn’t have an alcohol or substance abuse problem. And doesn’t understand why she was forced to wear a SCRAM bracelet.

She said, “If I were the alcoholic everyone says I am, then putting a bracelet on would have ended me up in detox, in the emergency room, because I would have had to come down from all the things that people say I’m taking — so that says something, because I was fine.

She added, “I’ve never abused prescription drugs. I have no desire to. That’s not who I am. I’ve admitted to the things that I’ve done — to, you know, dabbling in certain things and trying things because I was young and curious and thought it was like, OK because other people were doing it and other people put it in front of me. And I see what happened in my life because of it.”

The only thing she does admit is that her partying was out of control, but only because we have photo proof.

“So many people around me would say they cared for the wrong reasons. A lot of people were pulling from me, taking from me and not giving. I had a lot of people that were there for me for, you know, the party.”

She added, “I would look up to those girls … the Britney’s and whatever. And I would be like, I want to be like that.”

Lindsay and her mother Dina are still in denial that Lindsay had/has a problem. It’s sad that after almost a month in jail and rehab, she still doesn’t see anything wrong with her


Lindsay Lohan Tests Negative After SCRAM!!

by Simply Veronica D.

According to Lindsay Lohan’s attorney Shawn Chapman Holley, Lilo was completely sober the night her SCRAM bracelet went off.

“A urine test taken shortly after the alert showed a negative result for alcohol,” Holley told People magazine.

The DA’s office previously said the alert was “an alcohol-related violation.” So what triggered the SCRAM bracelet to go off? According to Lindsay’s parents, she spilled a drink on herself. But according to reps at SCRAM, that’s impossible.

Either way Lindsay had to post bail for the second time in a month after her SCRAM went off and she still has to undergo random drug and alcohol testing. Seems like this Lindsay drama is never ending! More details coming soon


Its Official, Snookie Gets Paid MORE Than Lindsay Lohan!!

by Simply Veronica D.

A few reliable sources of Perez Hilton found some shocking news and just had to reveal exclusively to that Snooki DOES get paid more for appearances than Lindsay Lohan.

“You can get Lindsay to show up for an event in Los Angeles for $2,500,” an insider told Perez.

Thats a low blow for someone who has been an childhood actress and making millions, you know there’s a problem if they prefer to pay Snooki more to appear then Lindsay, get back to work girl and change that negative into a positive!


Lindsay Lohan In India (Very Good Documentary)!!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Over December, Lindsay Lohan spent a week in India examining the trafficking of women and children,which is an abundant problem in rural parts. In cooperation with The BBC, Lohan made a documentary called “Lindsay Lohan in India”, which features her visit, and includes her meetings with, “young boys who work 16 hour days under the constant threat of beatings, a reformed trafficker who would make a quick buck luring young girls…also placing a shelter where young girls promised domestic work for India’s burgeoning middle classes were trafficked into brothels and forced into prostitution.”

She is winning awards slowly but surely for this documentary (can we say potential peace prize??) ..Lindsay is changing and thats a great thing to see, when people lend a helping hand and get back to reality it exposes their feelings and emotions towards life which we forget they have!


Lindsay Lohan To Pose Nude For 900,00 as Marilyn Monroe??

by Simply Veronica D.

Rumor before Hugh Hef offered Lindsay 500,00 before to do Playboy now she has been offered 900,00 to pose nude for Playboy wow thats a lot of green so see what’s in between will she take the offer??? I think she should why not , she is basically getting paid more than Aubrey O’Day the Hitler and Castro lover , I just hope they bring back that red hair that made her stand out she is so much prettier with her natural red hair!