Archive for ‘Gary Coleman Passes’


Gary Coleman Cremated …R.I.P!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Gary Coleman missed out on a proper funeral, but was finally cremated yesterday. Gary, who died of a brain hemorrhage last month following a fall at his home, was put to rest during a quiet, simple proceeding at a mortuary in Sandy, Salt Lake City.

Lawyer Robert Jeffs – who was ordered to oversee Gary’s estate – said: “The proceeding was conducted in accordance with Mr. Coleman’s desires as expressed in his will that no funeral service, wake or other ceremony memorialize his passing.”

As Hollyscoop previously reported, his former agent Victor Perillo is making sure that Gary gets a proper memorial.

He said, “I’m planning a proper memorial for the industry to say goodbye to one of the greatest child actors ever,” Perillo says. “I’m planning it with NBC and Norman Lear and it will be something for everyone.”

Its such a sad and unfortunate death, his talent will surely live on and the memorial is a very touching thing to do…Ri.i.P Gary Coleman….


Gary Coleman’s Mom Pissed Off Over Hospital Photos!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Gary Coleman’s mother, Edmonia Sue Coleman, is “shocked” that Shannon Price is selling photos of Gary’s last moments, telling TMZ that Shannon’s actions are “extremely disrespectful.”
Sue told TMZ, “I can’t think of any other reason why she would do that unless it’s just for the money.”

As previously reported, several photos of Gary’s last moments was taken inside the hospital where he died and has been sold off to the tabloids.. Shannon is set to get a cut of the profits.
SMH She is disrespectful and obviously didn’t care for that man even on his death bed…ahw probably pulled the plug so she can get money for all of this …I hope the mother takes a stand to all of this!


Sad News: Gary Coleman Dies At 42!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Gary Coleman has died at 42, is first to report. Coleman had been hospitalized in Provo, Utah since Wednesday, May 26, after suffering what his family called “a serious medical problem.”
R.I.P Gary…so sad …life is too short enjoy it with the ones who you care about and vice versa!