Archive for ‘Barack Obama’


Diddy Talks Obama In Source Mag: “I Want The President To Do Better”!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Diddy returns to the cover of The Source. Issue hits newsstands January 25th. Below is an excerpt from the feature.Source: What’s your assessment of President Obama thus far?

Diddy: “I love the president like most of us. I just want the president to do better. There’s a difference between us voting for somebody and us believing in somebody. He’s the person that we believed in so I pray night and day that he understands how God ordained his presidency. I feel there was a promise made to God to look after people that was less fortunate, and [many] of those people are African-American…”


Hmmm how do you feel about that comment….



Obama Compares BP Oil Spill To 9/11 Tragedy!!

by Simply Veronica D.

President Obama, in a stark and striking comparison, said the devastating impact of the BP disaster on the national psyche “echoes 9/11.”
The endlessly spewing oil rig off the Gulf Coast – like the terror attacks of 2001 – will influence the nation’s future long after the crisis passes, the President said in a provocative Oval Office interview with Politico.
“In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11, I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come,” Obama added in language that underscored his new sense of urgency about the disaster. The interview, conducted Friday, was released Sunday – and sparked an instant debate among some 9/11 family members. Obama wasn’t the first to draw parallels between the terrorist attacks and the still-spreading Gulf of Mexico spill, with columnists and others describing the disaster as an “environmental 9/11.”
Obama’s take on the crisis came as he prepared to give BP an ultimatum this week: Show me the money – or else. Obama will deliver a prime-time speech tomorrow and face down BP executives a day later to show them, and his legion of critics, that he means business.


Sign In Northern California Saying "Obama=Niggardly"!! (Video)

by Simply Veronica D.
A sign outside a northern California business that accuses President Obama of being “niggardly”
This is so disrespectful and the most ignorant part of it all they used his color or “race” as a way to insult him over their smaill business troubles. The way it was handled showed no class and racism on their behalf…I couldn’t be Obama cause after that was said and done, I wouldn’t do shyt for them since my color is the issue….Just sayin!-NiqueNYC


Black Agenda: Tavis Smiley Speaks On The Pressure President Obama Is Facing!! (Great Video)

by Simply Veronica D.
Tavis Smiley asked Farrakhan if public critique Of Barack Obama Should Be Allowed From black leaders??…The part that stood out was the visual description of Obama’s physical changes…You Seen His Hair Turn Grey. Some Of Us Don’t Appreciate What He’s Dealing With”, yea with a heep of stress that he cant even stop smoking cigarettes as he tries to make changes…This is very true, we understand that honesty is always needed in order to make things work but come on Obama had to clean up the mess our prior president left behind, it takes a lot of work and courage, he is doing what he can to change our world and make it better, give the president time, stand by him and support his ideas! Its truly something that people should think about before criticizing Obama, he has to clean the white house before he can show us what he can do… A Beautiful Disaster….and with every disaster comes beauty, now that we have it dont step on his neck! Let him handle his work accordingly, change has already come NOW let him finish!-NiqueNYC


President Obama’s Image Hi-Jacked For A Weed Ad??!! (Funny Photo)

by Simply Veronica D.

The ganja gala is set to for next month in L.A., according to the ad, marijuana patients are going to “celebrate Obama ending DEA raids” on weed stores. A rep for the White House told TMZ there’s a longstanding policy “disapproving of the use of the President’s name and likeness for commercial purposes” but wouldn’t say if the Photoshoppin’ potheads were going to face legal action over the ad.

Do you think its harmful?? Or just funny we all hear about his lips being purple sometimes but to add his photo in something that is not really Legal in the U.S. Period may be a damaging point but look here at the celebs caught smoking dope …Some may be a little shocking….

Charlize Theron (Now this is a shocker and with a cig too she is going innn the most innocent faces i tell you smh lol)

Julia Roberts??? (wow)

Zoe Saldana????

Kevin Spacey (Kinda expected it)

**Notice some of the best actors smoke, now we know where some of their inspiration comes from …hey at least it wont kill you like those other crazy drugs!
Check out more celebs by clicking “Read More”

Lily Allen (Expected …)

Robert Patterson (Really??)

Paris Hilton (Kinda Expected it…)

Guy Richie (Madonna’s Ex-Husband)

Joss Stone (Well her last name is Stone…)

Source:<a href="


Al Sharpton & Tavis Smiley Beef Live On Radio About Obama!! (Audio)

by Simply Veronica D.
Al Sharpton will always have an opinion and makes sure he can back it up …Tavis Smiley obviously thought he can out do Sharpton and ended up having good ol Al say ” What’s wrong with you”, “Dont speak to us like we are stupid”, Tavis hit a soft spot when it came to the discussion of Obama. Its not that bad, it just shows that they do care for the community and the president as well! …Freedom of speech at its best!
Written By: NiqueNYC


The Obama’s Cover Essence Magazine!! (Fierce)

by Simply Veronica D.

President Barack Obama and the beautiful First Lady Michelle are covering Essence magazine again.In this upcoming March issue, they spoke to Essence about education and how they deal with educating their Daughters Sasha and Malia:
“Malia will tell you, my attitude was, if she came home with a B, that’s not good enough because there’s no reason why she can’t get an ‘A’…”
—President Barack Obama
Reminds me of my dad but pushing your children shows support and its obvious the Obama’s want their children to be the best in everything they do…GREAT Parents and President!!


4th Grader Has A Question For Obama…"Why Do People Hate You?"!!! (Video)

by Simply Veronica D.

“Why do people hate you??…They are supposed to love you…God is love”! These are the words that came out of this young hearted and eager to know 4th grader Terrence Scott, who posed the final question at the president’s Town Hall Meeting yesterday at the University of New Orleans. Obama responds saying “That’s what I’m talking about” as he smiled happily and grateful for his kind and loving words of support.Obama reassures and explains to Terrence saying: “First of all, I did get elected president, so not everybody hates me now,” he told the 4th grader. But he conceded that “if you’re watching TV lately, it seems like everybody’s just getting mad all the time.”
“You’ve got to take it with a grain of salt,” the president explained. “Some of it is just what’s called politics.”

Great way to inform a young child the way politics works, if he got into it a little more the young boy wouldnt understand his time will come and he will learn it when the time is right. What Obama did was very nurturing of him and informative..I know Terrence will never forget that day and will most likely write about one day, I know I would if i was able to meet our 44th president and actually listen to him talk to you directly…Simply beautiful!

Video & Read More: CBSNEWS.COM