Archive for January 3rd, 2011


Kim Kardashian Graces The Cover Of Glamour Magazine !!

by Simply Veronica D.

Kim Kardashian heats up the cover of Glamour magazine’s February 2011 issue, on newsstands on Tuesday (January 11).

Here’s what the 30-year-old reality starlet had to share:

On being a sex symbol: “It’s definitely powerful. I don’t find myself as sexy as everyone thinks. I’m a lot more insecure than people would assume, but with little stupid things. When I get dressed, I’m always so indecisive.”

On posing for Playboy: “It was an independence thing for me. I was always by the book, such the straight arrow when it came to pleasing my parents and being a good daughter. I felt like this was one decision that only I could make. And I think it looks great. I’ll have those pictures forever.”

On having every aspect of her family’s life recorded: “If there’s something that we’re going through, it’s going to get out anyway. It’ll be on the cover of a tabloid, and it’ll be twisted the completely wrong way. So why not tell our story?”

On women being comfortable with their bodies: “It’s a process. You have to learn to accept it. You have to learn to like what you see in the mirror. There are definitely times when I don’t feel like myself, but you have to fake it until you make it.”

FYI: On the cover, Kim is wearing Tom Ford pajamas, a La Perla bra, and a Sarah Chloe ring.

Read more:


Zsa Zsa Gabor Must Amputate Leg Or She Will Eventually Die!

by Simply Veronica D.

Zsa Zsa Gabor has a life or death decision to make—amputate, or this will be the end.  According to TMZ, her husband Prince von Anhalt called an ambulance to bring her to the hospital because she was in so much pain.
Apparently the blood clot in her leg has spread so much that Zsa Zsa really has no choice but to amputate half of it off. That’s one way to ring in the new year…
Doctors reportedly told her to do the surgery before the holidays, but she refused because she wanted to be home for what’s probably going to be her last holiday season.  Basically things came to a head last night after doctors said she’d die if she didn’t lose the leg.  Reason #856,320,598 that getting old sucks! Hope she got to the hospital soon enough!”

So sad to know that this will be her last time being able to walk normally and its definitely a hard decision to make to either cut off a limb or eventually die! Of course people will choose amputation but nor do they want to live their life without something they are used to surviving on.



And The War Continues…Lil Kim Reveals Mary J Blige As Her Partner In Crime For Nicki Minaj/ Keyshia Cole Diss Record!

by Simply Veronica D.

Lil Kim is wasting no time trying to throw shade on not just Nicki but also Keyshia Cole for whatever reason we may not be sure why with Keyshia Cole …guess its due to affiliation. But then again if thats the case, she may be over doing it adding Keyshia to drama she never took part in and its all about the music …if im not mistaken didn’t Keyshia collab with Kim also a few years back?! Keep the beef where in belongs which is with Nicki and since Mary has been on her “No More Drama” and Keyshia is very much a fan of the R&B Queen I doubt that Mary would  put fire under Keyshia’s ass…Just sayin!
