Archive for January 29th, 2010


Sex And The City To Do A Back to Back 2nd & 3rd Movie!!! (Yayy Wow)

by Simply Veronica D.

Can you say “Hot Commodity”!! Sex and The City 2 hasn’t even hit theaters yet and there are rumors that a number 3 is in the works asap! The reason for the rush is the concern that the women will look too old if they wait to long to start filming the 3rd installment.
A source revealed:“There is also a third movie on the go. It’s under wraps for publicity reasons. It makes sense to film the second and third movies back-to-back. The characters will look a lot younger on screen when the third movie is out in a couple of years.“They’re keen to look as young as possible because that movie will be their last. They want to go out on a high.”
Regardless these women could never get old in our eyes, cant wait for these movies to come out!!


Melanie Fiona, Gabrielle Union, Taraji and More At The Essence Black Women In Music!! (Photos)

by Simply Veronica D.

Gabrielle Union, Melanie Fiona, Traji and more attended the “Essence Black Women in Music” event in LA and the women were looking fierce and sexy! Gabrielle’s dress is simple yet sexy and the blue is gorgeous! (More photos inside)!


Dr. Murray Set To Be Charged For Michael Jackson’s Death!! (Involuntary Manslaughter)

by Simply Veronica D.

The D.A. is ready to charge Dr. Conrad Murray for the death of Michael Jackson,multiple law enforcement sources told <a href="
“>TMZ,members of the D.A.’s office including the Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley have already met about filing a criminal case against Dr. Murray. The LAPD has not met with the D.A. to present the case, but the sources say the deputy D.A. assigned to the case has worked closely with LAPD detectives and are very familiar with the investigation, TMZ was told Dr. Murray could be charged with involuntary manslaughter as early as next week. The family should be more at ease knowing their son’s wrongful death will be justified!!


Tyrese Framed For Mysterious Felony Car Crash?? (Photo)

by Simply Veronica D.

January 4 in Miami. Tyrese was involved in a car crash with Sheena McCreary. The cops came and took info from both drivers. Both Tyrese and Sheena were cited for the accident. Sheena who claimed she was injured and drove away in a cab with Tyrese. Then January 25. For some reason, Miami police issued traffic citations to both Tyrese and Sheena for “Leaving the scene on public or private property – injury” – a felony. But how could he have commit such a felony when there are photos of him talking to cops at the accident scene? (Photo above).That’s what his lawyers, Jayne Weintraub and Jon Sale, want to know. They filed papers Thursday with court clerks and entered a not guilty plea on Tyrese’s behalf. Miami prosecutors now have to decide whether to pursue the case against Tyrese and Sheena. Weintraub and Sale think it must just be a clerical mistake.

Thank goodness for the paparazzi’s handiwork it may be Tyrese’s proof for everything stated thats wrong!

Source:<a href="