Archive for January 10th, 2010


Lindsay Lohan In India (Very Good Documentary)!!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Over December, Lindsay Lohan spent a week in India examining the trafficking of women and children,which is an abundant problem in rural parts. In cooperation with The BBC, Lohan made a documentary called “Lindsay Lohan in India”, which features her visit, and includes her meetings with, “young boys who work 16 hour days under the constant threat of beatings, a reformed trafficker who would make a quick buck luring young girls…also placing a shelter where young girls promised domestic work for India’s burgeoning middle classes were trafficked into brothels and forced into prostitution.”

She is winning awards slowly but surely for this documentary (can we say potential peace prize??) ..Lindsay is changing and thats a great thing to see, when people lend a helping hand and get back to reality it exposes their feelings and emotions towards life which we forget they have!