Lamar Reminds Khloe of Her Dad & Wants Kids After Settling In ASAP!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Khloe’s Interview on Life & Style Magazine: “I’ve just never felt deserving of this kind of attention before. Every single night before I go to sleep, he tells me how beautiful I am and how lucky he is to have me. I know it sounds cheesy, but I’ve never in my life met someone who I love this much. Lamar’s devotion makes me want to cry because the only other person who gave that to me was my dad.”“Lamar wants to start having children tomorrow. He already has two beautiful children, Destiny and Lamar Jr., but he can’t wait for me to have more kids and form this new family. I know how happy he would be, and I’d love to have kids. But ideally I want to wait at least until we’ve settled into our new house.”

Is even taking care of his own now???…Im just sayin!

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