Archive for October 27th, 2009


Usher’s Wife Tells Kami, A Canadian Blogger of Hip Hossip…F**k You??!!(Audio)

by Simply Veronica D.
Another Tameka Foster story…First Usher says “She Keyed My Car!!!” , now a Canadian Blogger from Hip Hossip states that Usher’s soon to be X called her home phone number in Toronto, Canada this past Saturday the 24th saying: “Hi this is Tameka Foster wife of Usher wife…F**ck You!! Not sure what’s going on with Tameka but I don’t know wether to consider this a “hurt” ex-wife or a crazy one. When she keyed Usher’s car it showed she was hurt to the point of destruction and that is a situation between both of them. but calling a Blogger to tell them F**k you shows the side that maybe Usher was dealing with behind closed doors…was she rude and nasty to Usher?? Or was she played out by him and now its the “Wrath of Tameka”? From what Kami said , she did write positive things about Tameka so why say something like that knowing she is one of the few saying positive things about you…she just gave another person a reason to dislike her, thats the least you should do, instead she could have handled it in a more mature manner but at the same time people are human and you never know what they are facing personally to make them lash out the way they do …was it out of line YES…Was it immature on her part?? I think so…Just sayin!



Khloe & Lamar Odom’s Matching Initial Tattoos!!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Yesterday afternoon Khloe Kardashian decided to show her new initial tattoo that herself and hubby Lamar Odom did after dinner to twitterland via her website Khloe Kardashian, could they really love each other …these are her words from her site:When we were at dinner, I just knew I wanted a tattoo for Lamar in the web of my hand, and then once we got to the shop we decided on getting each other’s initials. I got “LO” in cursive on my right hand and he got “KO” on both hands. I love how my tattoo flows with the one I already have. It’s special to me, which is why I believe it’s worth it when it symbolizes something or someone that is important to you.”–*Khloe Kardashian! The initial tattoos are cute and at least they don’t have their names plastered on each other’s bodies its simply their initials but if this is a “publicity stunt” would they go this far as getting permanent tattoos in a place where it may be the most painful to remove or cover? To me once you get a tattoo of someone else usually is a sign of genuine love for each other and a huge symbolism of that…even if you are wasted or not you know what you are applying to your body and in this case they were sober ….just 2 newly weds who wanted to be spontaneous awww too cute!