Archive for October 23rd, 2009


Mike Epps …High Arent We???

by Simply Veronica D.
The funny man Mike Epps spoke to Chelsea Lately with a big smile on his face …looking a little too cheesy could it be he was “cloud surfin” before he say down ??? Either way he was too funny on Chelsea and that is what he is known for ..”Cloud Surfin or not you just gotta love his humor…Im just sayin!



Lindsay Lohan’s Third Burglary Suspect is….

by Simply Veronica D.

An 18-year old name Alexis Neirs. TMZ took a “Charlies Angeles” shot of the trio Alexis (right), Diana Tamayo (center) and Courtney Ames (left) as cops brought them into Van Nuys jail in the back of a cruiser last night for felony burglary.Ames and Neirs were released after posting $50,000 bail. On the way out, Ames denied any wrongdoing while Neirs said “I didn’t do jack s**t, it’s a joke.

Hmmm didnt do s***t yet your getting arrested for burglary….rightt …to see the video on TMZ click on this link: Third Suspect Identified….dang girl you just robbed by an 18 year old….C’MON SON…Im just sayin!