Archive for October 22nd, 2009


Chris Brown Is Not Feelin Oprah!!!

by Simply Veronica D.
In yesterday’s interview with the voice of NY Angie Martinez, Chris Brown expressed his feelings towards some of the people who he thought would “help him” that didn’t such as Oprah. He stated “Just help, thats all i was asking for. I thought we had that relationship”! It kind of made me feel bad for him although I am very aware what he did wrong he was hesitant to answer some important questions on the show because he didnt want to put Rhianna through more drama and pain but in order to release yourself from the mask that others have given you …you have to tell the truth, it doesn’t make you less of a person and you never know, you probably would have had a lot of respect given back to you…but Chris Breezy does sound sincere in his apologies and hopefully he can continue to have the fantastic career that he had before , it will take time but all of us know talent when we see it! They are both moving forward with their life musically and like Angie said “Only they know what happened that night”!



Khloe Kardashian’s Burglary Was An Inside Job??!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Sources close to the Kardashians tells TMZ that the grandmother of Kourtney’s boyfriend Scot died recently and left him a bunch of expensive jewelry. Scott gave the jewels to Kourtney who already had plenty of jewels, including a $30,000 Cartier watch and vintage jewely left to her by her father, Robert Kardashian.

They were away from their home for about an hour and a half between 7 PM and 8:30 PM on the night of the burglary. Which means the person who stole the items knew where they were and when they were leaving hmmm kind of sounds like a set up as if maybe someone on Scotts side mabe didnt like the fact he gave her jewels or maybe he didnt know how to be a direct indian giver so he had someone ransack the home while taking her out…Scott always seemed a little shady to me and to grab all of the jewelery inbetween an hour in a half in a gated community ….a litttle sketchy to me …Im just sayin!