Archive for October 16th, 2009


4th Grader Has A Question For Obama…"Why Do People Hate You?"!!! (Video)

by Simply Veronica D.

“Why do people hate you??…They are supposed to love you…God is love”! These are the words that came out of this young hearted and eager to know 4th grader Terrence Scott, who posed the final question at the president’s Town Hall Meeting yesterday at the University of New Orleans. Obama responds saying “That’s what I’m talking about” as he smiled happily and grateful for his kind and loving words of support.Obama reassures and explains to Terrence saying: “First of all, I did get elected president, so not everybody hates me now,” he told the 4th grader. But he conceded that “if you’re watching TV lately, it seems like everybody’s just getting mad all the time.”
“You’ve got to take it with a grain of salt,” the president explained. “Some of it is just what’s called politics.”

Great way to inform a young child the way politics works, if he got into it a little more the young boy wouldnt understand his time will come and he will learn it when the time is right. What Obama did was very nurturing of him and informative..I know Terrence will never forget that day and will most likely write about one day, I know I would if i was able to meet our 44th president and actually listen to him talk to you directly…Simply beautiful!

Video & Read More: CBSNEWS.COM


Baby Gets Run Over By A Train & Survives!!! (Shocking Video)

by Simply Veronica D.
OMG look closely as the mother is distracted for less than a minute she looks down and sees the stroller with her baby inside rolling towards the tracks seconds before the train arrived and falls in, as she attempts to grab the stroller its too late, the train entered the station crushing the stroller. As you can see she looks like she is screaming and pacing …God was on her side because the baby survived WOW!!!She wasn’t even on a phone or talking, she took one breath looked up to the sky then looks down and see’s this tragedy that is about to happen with her baby, what a traumatizing situation but what I don’t understand is why those around her were just standing there?? The men didnt even try to comfort her or try to help except for the 2 other women who were beside her. This is a lesson learned to ALWAYS LOCK THE WHEELS of your child’s stroller…its takes 2 seconds for disaster to happen. This baby should be called “The Angel”!



Diddy Holds Kids Hostage For Diamond Ring???!!!

by Simply Veronica D.
Diddy has been getting a lot of buzz this week if it is not one thing, its other. The NY Post states while “making it rain” at the 106 and Park studio in NYC, Diddy accidentally flung a diamond studded ring into a young crowd of fans. After the taping Diddy had his young fans held hostage in order to look for the priceless item. Fans left disappointed saying, “We don’t like him no more.”OK, before I go any further on the Diddy issue. “We don’t like him no more.” Seriously, parents I need you to make sure your kids are doing their English homework before they watch or go see 106 & Park. I thank you in advance. Now, as far Diddy. What the hell was he thinking? It would be one thing if someone in the audience stole the ring, but it was his fault and those kids should not have to be subjected to that. If that was a child of mine all hell would break loose. That is not how we handle things, as adults. I know 106 & Park was in the hood back in the day, but it’s not the block anymore honey.



Ballon Boy Busts Parents & Admits "You Guy’s Said It Was For The Show" Then Pukes!!!(Videos)

by Simply Veronica D.

The prior reality show family from “Wife Swap” back in March was one of the hottest trending topics on twitter, now they landed CNN on Larry King Live, who spoke to the family right after falcon came out of the attic HOURS after the worry and sadness people had for the young boy who was thought to be in the ballon. He admitted: “You guys said we did this for the show!…What people would do for money or exposure can sometimes just be a pure shame!At first my reaction after he was in the attic all that time, I thought it was him meaning if that was my child I would have “Madea” his behind. But if you hear correctly when his father asks “Falcon did you hear us calling your at this time??” he says yes and the wife says “You did??” in surprise but in the mist of the questions Falcon says “YOU GUYS SAID WE DID THIS FOR THE SHOW” WTH!!! Your telling me his own parents basically threw a MAJOR publicity stunt just to be seen and it backfired when Falcon said the truth …Guess they didn’t have enough time to manipulate him for Larry King Live before being interviewed….Im just sayin!