Archive for October 15th, 2009


"The Wait Is Ova"…Rihanna Is Back!!!

by Simply Veronica D.

New look, new attitude she is looking fierce and ready to take the world by storm once again! Rihanna is heading back to the basics and will be continuing her success where it matters the most HER MUSIC! She is stated to perform her new single on her upcoming album “The Wait Is Ova” November 23rd on Good Morning America!Her new look is so Riri…This is going to be one of those highly “anticipated” albums ….Will she have a song about Chris Breezy?? We all will have to see…



Usher’s 911 Call "My Car Has Been Keyed" (Audio)

by Simply Veronica D.

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As you may have heard prior to actually hearing this audio of Usher calling the police regarding his “assumption” that his ex wife Tameka “keyed” up his truck on the side. He states that while getting a flat tire fixed it was noticed that there was a huge scratch on his truck. The reason that I say “assumption” is because we really don’t know what happened between them, but we do knowUsher was not ready to settle down and get hitched especially when at one time he had cold feet from wanting to marry her, We understand people want to stay and work it out because of the child …but if the love for one another is not there its best not to tie the knot until your fully ready to be committed…Im just sayin!

P.S. When “Gossip” becomes FACTS (videos,photos, audio proof) …Its no longer tacky gossip its reporting the FACTS and as you can see NiqueNYC doesn’t do “Tacky Gossip” …CAUSE WE ONLY REPORT WITH FACTS!

You gotta see it or hear it from the persons mouth to believe it right?!!



I Want To Work For Diddy 2 (Trailor)

by Simply Veronica D.

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Drama, Tears, Strength, Determination and Courage all in one season of “I want To Work For Diddy season 2, Diddy tries to find the one person who is going to put up with his demands and work hard to get to the top of becoming his new assistant! In the trailer you can see the drama in this season will be more intense, complex and more of a boot camp style lesson, some may say this is not boot camp but the concept is to show and teach discipline and determination to get to your goal…don’t know about physical discipline but I definitely understand disciplinary knowledge to prepare for this intense business ” I Want To Work For Diddy” premieres Monday Nov 2 at 10PM.
Definitely something to tune into !
