Archive for October 6th, 2009


Lama Odom Is Not Sharing His Money With Khloe K PERIOD!!!!

by Simply Veronica D.

TMZ has learned, Lamar Odom has already met with his lawyer to prepare and handle the prenup before making Khloe Kardashian his official wife. Odom went to the Beverly Hills law office of “divorce guru” Neal Hersh last Friday to hash out the terms. Odom’s people told TMZ “Lamar has a set of balls”… meaning thats all she is going to get “balls” he’s not giving Khloe half of anything. Lamar wants to make sure the money and other assets he brings into the marriage are solely his and he ain’t giving Khloe half of his earnings during the marriage also.

WOW I understand money should not be an object when you really love someone but doesn’t this show he really doesnt love her?? And this can be another Deja Vu of being used by a man for publicity or because she is a Kardashian?? if he is being greedy and restricting towards her.. You cant really be mad at Khloe for selling the wedding photos for 300,00 a pop..although the Kardashian family has mula for days as a “marriage” sharing and doing for eachother is part of the commitment! Why get married if your money being used by someone else who is supposed to be your wife bothers you! Its not like Khloe is broke but Im starting to believe what his baby mama said…He definitely has commitment issues and wants everything to himself even in a marriage…yea this marriage I give it 6 months if that …I don’t think Khloe is gonna put up with a selfish man like this for too long …if you seen the show she enjoys being spoiled and treated like a princess….Hope he doesn’t ask her for the ring back when they divorce (indian giver), he probably will since he paid for it!…Im just sayin!

I hope this is a publicity stunt cause I sure as hell couldn’t live like that …
I do for you …you do for me! Case Closed.


Governor David Paterson Says Jay Z Deserves "Hottest MC Title"!! (Video)

by Simply Veronica D.

If even Governor Paterson is saying Jay-Z should be named “Hottest MC”, then Jay is doing a great job taking this industry to other levels every time he comes out with an album. Although there are others on the roster who are runners up such as Drake, Lil Wayne, Kanye’ West etc. Jay-Z is who Paterson personally requested should be “Number 1”! When Paterson contacted MTV this is what he stated about HOV:

“Jay-Z is not only an outstanding hip-hop artist, but a dedicated philanthropist as well,” .Having just attended his September 11th benefit concert in Madison Square Garden a few weeks ago, I can personally attest to his commitment to New York and the impact he has on New Yorkers of all ages. He is most definitely deserving of the top MC of 2009 title.”
Very agreeable if you know what year Jay came out with his first album and how long he has been in this competitive game which is full of snakes in the grass…you can honestly say he is a go-getta, The fact that he exposes more of his cocky side through music, its just like telling off your enemies on a musical level instead of it being on a physical level…Alot of rappers can learn a thing or two from him regarding drama..he handles it very well by venting through his music…CLASSIC!!

Here is the video on the “Hottest MC” Debate:

More Info & Video :MTV.COM


Pole Dancing Gone Wrong!!!!!

by Simply Veronica D.
More of a reason to make sure that the pole is secure before swinging and “makin it rain’ . This just made me want to crazy glue, cement and drill a stripper pole once I have my home of luxury ..Yes I plan to have a stripper pole…its good exercise, fun and its great for a significant other to watch you move…Ladies get with it ..this is what they like . If you don’t want them to tip a chick your money for dry humping your man I suggest you make sure that money stays in rotation between you and your significant other… let him tip you at home !Men if Im lying …Im dyin …you know you guys love spontaneous and outgoing women who are the freaky type …its kinda like having a sense of self-esteem and confidence…Im just sayin



WOW Tyler Perry Sexually Abused By A Man??!!!

by Simply Veronica D.

MTO (Media Tako Out) at times can be a little innaccurate in information but this is proof and that you can always believe. Tyler Perry is slowly opening up about the physical and sexual abuse he suffered as a child. This is a true definition of a man who overcame so many obstacles and is now one of the most sought after actors/directors in Hollywood period but of course he runs ATL, but its just amazing how a man or woman can go through the pain he has went through and be able to wake up everyday and remember but never forget…WARNING: This is a very heart felt letter to his fans but it also gives his fans an opportunity to see who really is “Tyler Perry”. Inside are a few parts from an email Tyler sent his fans describing the abuse he and pain he suffered.Sexual abuse by a man:
“I got a call not long ago from a friend. He told me that a man that I knew from church when I was a kid had died and he didn’t have any insurance. His family was trying to reach out to me to see if I would pay for his funeral. I quickly said no, but I wish I would have said yes. There is something so powerful to me in burying the man that molested me. I wish I would have dug the grave myself.”

After reading the whole letter i was heartbroken but so happy that he is at the point in his life where he can be honest about his past and not care what others have to say…He is making his money why should he anyway???…Im just sayin !



T.I. Has A Hell Of A Life!!! (Video Premiere)

by Simply Veronica D.

Lets be honest, I did this for the T.I. lovers including my self… His new video “Hell Of A Life” is very catchy . I can hear this at clubs soon. Also he has his own little swagg but he is not the typical rapper after seeing his show on MTV before he went to jail, It really made many people see and realize that a lot of the rappers out here who talk about where they” been” does not mean that is where they want to be! He mad a change in his life for not only him but also for his kids…definition of a hustler who turned into a grown man!! Nay or Yay?? are you guys feeling this video?? And yes women its ok to say you think he is a cutie…I do also and if he didnt have a cute lil face, I probably would not have been interested…Im just sayin!

Video: MTV.COM


Beyonce’ Talks About Kanye’s Outburst!! (Video)

by Simply Veronica D.
What a coincidence!! …I hung out with my home boys last night (yea i hang out with more guys then girls), they were discussing their opinions regarding what Kanye’ did and if Beyonce’ ever said anything about the minor embarrassment with Kanye’. During her honorary from Billboard as “Woman Of The Year”, she discussed her love for her family due to them always being there since day one. She also spoke about her shyness and how she got the nick name “Sasha Fierce” from accidently throwing borrowed jewelry during a performance. Last but not least the most interesting part is when she was shocked Kanye’ got up and threw his temper tantrum…she mentions that when Kanye’ was upset because her name was not mentioned for that particular award, she stated “I was like no no no no” (with a nervous face)

Beyonce’ is just one of those artist who will be around for a very long time as her hubby Jay-Z. She is the female hustler and her husband always holds hip hop down ..can you say match made in heaven?? Im glad she came this far …for those who never met her personally she is really a sweet person and modest but when she performs its a whole other ball game ..congrats Bey you deserve your honorary award!