Archive for October 4th, 2009


UPDATED: Maya Angelou Hospitalized!!!

by Simply Veronica D.

Another sad event has occurred…TMZ has reported that famous the best selling author has been in the hospital since early this evening .Angelou who is 81 was in Los Angeles to be honored at the Brave Heart Awards, celebrating women who have made changes in their professional fields. It is not clear yet of the reason but lets hope she is ok and will be able to attend this wonderful event that she worked so hard for. Please keep her in your prayers she is such an inspirational person and her time is not up yet so please twitter luv do not jinx the woman by saying R.I.P till it is unfortuantely true but :::knockin on wood:::: it wont!

UPDATED: Although there is a rumor going around saying that she was never taken to the hospital…Free from 105.1 retweeted on her twitter ” @missfree “Maya Angelou Is Out the hospital and she is fine and will will speaking tonight at the St. Louis Convention in NYC later this week 🙂 yeah”

Whichever the case may be …There is a feeling of relief that she is ok by many people now!



Does Jay Z Consider Harlem As Another "Brooklyn"???(Video Inside)

by Simply Veronica D.

Too Real?? or too real????l..Ok Jay Z shot SOME parts of his new video ” Empire State Of Mind” ft. Alicia Keys in Harlem but he is from Brooklyn and we know that is his stomping ground but to also shoot some parts in Harlem is a great thing. Harlem and Brooklyn both have similarities, the people, the culture the life in these 2 areas are so different from any other Borough. Your girl is from the BRONX but Harlem is simply Beautiful the good and bad to be frank Harlem is just…Harlem! The fact that Jay Z thought of Harlem also seems like a personal respect and love for the area …People just watch videos ..but its always good to observe the concept of the video in order to understand it better…if you can watch the same music video about 400 times in a year at least figure out the concept of it instead of “watching it”. You will be surprised of what you will figure out the end even the most dumbest videos have some sort of understandable concept. But YES this video has a more valid concept….

I know Im probably going to be wrong for this one but Im just gonna come out and say what others will or have been thinkinhg of this duo….I hope she doesn’t try to take Jay from Beyonce’ like she did to Mashonda..I dont think B is gonna be ok with that after seeing “Ring The Alarm” and the movie “Obsessed” my dibs would be on B she played both parts a little too realistic for me to underestimate her…Im just sayin!

Also here is Alicia Keys part in the video ” Empire State Of Mind” … if you hear closely you can hear her singing …she sounds the same way as her albums …A true singer!
