Archive for August 29th, 2009


Today Michael Turns 51 R.I.P Michael

by Simply Veronica D.

Today is Michael Jackson’s 51st birthday , its sad he wasn’t able to be around to see what the future will bring , I never thought he would pass anytime soon , I always figured i would be able to take my kids to a performance because i didn’t get to when i “was their age”. Kinda like the Temptations or The OJ’s they are old now and their 2 step might be a lil slow or off but the fact that they are old school kats and still performing is an honor to watch because they are icons and people who paved the way for artists of this century! Today lets celebrate his birthday and remember the impact he had on the world both alive and dead …here is my favorite clip of Michael; lets see if you remember this …I was 9 when he performed at the Super Bowl in 1993 (9 or 10 lol) …I didn’t care for the Super Bowl game , I just wanted to see Michael perform …i admit i kinda had a crush on him at that time ! (Video Inside)

Im 25 so I was 9, those older than me or 2 years younger than me who were or are Michael fans should remember this exciting performance ….If i was there i definitely would have been one of those girls who passes out lol . Happy Birthday Michael we love you and you will always be remembered through your music and performances …He was & is truly a musical genius! (I just cant believe he is dead …Maybe in denial but I have to see it to believe it when it comes to this ! Its still hard to take in smh.


DJ AM Last Interview with MTV About Upcoming Show.

by Simply Veronica D.

Here is DJ AM’s last interview with MTV news , he was inspired to do “Gone To Far” which was his upcoming MTV Series about drug addiction, in the video he explains how he wants to show people how hard it is and how intervention starts! When he needed the intervention at that moment, no one was around, it was unexpected. He broke down and due to heartache,(i guess its true love can kill) went back on that habit and ended up overdosed and gone …like my mom says “Cuando diablo ve’ sus penas, es cuando el quiere’ jugar” (when the devil sees your pains thats when he wants to play”),Its up to us to succumb what we already accomplished because we don’t want to go back to that route again! I hope the deaths of Michael Jackson & DJ AM gives those who need intervention a wake up call “Life is to short to abuse it and if you want to live to see tomorrow, ask God or your higher power for help and strength to keep going and to battle the weaknesses inside.

My deepest condolences to his friends and family who knew him personally, i can imagine the heartbreak and devastation they are dealing with right now .. please have empathy guys, if your twitter is flooded with RIP DJ AM, please understand and don’t be inconsiderate of others or say ignorant remarks if you don’t have anything good to say …DONT SAY IT AT ALL …SOME THINGS ARE BETTER LEFT UN SAID, My twitter was full of DJ AM and it froze, that didn’t bother me at all how many times the same person said it and i respect their way of mourning wether they knew him personally or not ….You are not the only one with a flooded twitter and how many people you follow is about the same amount of R.I.P’s your gonna get ….Have an issue with it? un follow the majority of your followers so you wont see it so much or turn off updates whatever makes you feel better! Do not offend how others mourn due to your personal beliefs because as we know our world is full of different beliefs just like you would like to have your believe respected and not insulted, others would like the same respect as well. Everyone has their own reasons also that you may not know of , let it go it will settle down in a day or 2, we are simply saying our condolences of Rest In Peace to a talented young man who passed unexpectedly, if you disagree with it continuing after one sentence of R.I.P in any way, just ignore it don’t speak on it if its negative, let the mourners mourn and the grievers ,grieve its their prerogative and really shouldn’t be anyones concern how many times they say their condolences….RESPECT THAT!
Info and clips from MTV.COM R.I.P DJ AM YOU WILL BE MISSED!.