Archive for August 25th, 2009


Keisha Chante’ To Play Aaliyah in Bio-pic (Can you say little sister such a resemblance)

by Simply Veronica D.

As you may already know there has been talk about Aaliyah’s bio-pic coming out this year hopefully, Keshia Chante’ (canadian singer), will be playing Aaliyah and is going through extensive training from studying, speaking with family member’s, and training with Aaliyah’s former choreographer and friend Fatima Robinson.Very close friend of Aaliyah, such as Timbaland, Missy Elliot, Ginuwine and Hype Williams are helping with the production for the film. She is also a beautiful singer check out her video here
The bio-pic will be Directed by Dreamgirls director Bill Condon and will begin production some time this year. I gotta say she looks a lot like Aaliyah and seems very serious about making her idol and Aaaliyah’s fans happy ! I think this bio-pic out of many bio-pic’s we have all scene this one will be the most anticipating because she may look like her but we will have to see if she can play “Aaliyah” ! But Im sure if Aaliyah’s closest friends are helping her she will definitely portray Aaliyah the right way especially with Timbaland and Missy Elliot being around who were extremely close to her. Im looking forward to seeing this bio-pic , I always adored Aaliyah and Im sure that I and everyone else will be glued to the screen looking for any mess ups …What can you say?? That was and still IS our “Babygirl”! Can no one take her place but if you’re going to play the part …You gotta BRING IT HOME!

Keshia Chante’ also stated: “Aaliyah inspired me and an entire generation,” Keshia Chante said in a statement. “She was stunning, effortless and was capable of so many things. This is a hard undertaking, I have big shoes to fill but I am committed, determined and will train to the very end to master this role. I want Aaliyah’s fans and admirers to be proud of this film and feel like it was the best interpretation possible of our babygirl. I refuse to disappoint.”(trust we are holding you to that !)

For More Information Go to BET.COM
Been Gone Music Video,t=1,mt=video

Keshia Chante in NYC – Photoshoot with Raphael Mazzucco,t=1,mt=video


Neffie & Frankie Premiere’s Tonight On BET (Preview Inside)

by Simply Veronica D.

The crazy yet hilarious duo premieres today , the spinoff ot Keisha Cole’s “The Way It Is” is based on Neffie and Frankie’s “reality” life but I can honestly say out of all the reality shows out there , this one is the most interesting, heart-felt, “In Yo Face” yet funny span class=”fullpost”>They are real about their issues and holds no punches …who cant respect that?! Preview Video Be Sure to watch tonight on BET at 10:30 p.m. This is a show I definitely want to see !
Neffe & frankie Preview


Michael Jackson’s Doctor Sent A Letter To Obama!

by Simply Veronica D.

Finally one of Michael Jacksons Doctors speaks up and explains that she declined Michael’s money in return for medication that he wanted for his concert . Dr. Susan Essian Etok who is one of the doctors helping the LAPD in Michael Jackson’s death investigation, sent a “LISTEN UP” letter to President Barack Obama asking him to make it harder for people to obtain “controlled medication. Being one of the few to reject Michael’s money , she also states that she has known Michael for 11 years and has told his friends and family to help him with his addiction but was always ignored. She also explains that it wasn’t just one doctor who killed Michael but a collage of doctors who chose his money over his well being” Document and More…
In the letter, Dr. Susan Essien Etok claims Michael offered her £500,000 to supply him with drugs for his upcoming concert and asks the President to consider “harsher punitive measures” for “unethical Doctors” who are willing to give out strong drugs in return for money”. .

I agree with this letter to 90 percent ,Michael obviously had a drug habit and Ok! He offered money in return of the harmful medication which led to his death and we should be more aware that celebrities use their money to receive anything they want and desire including these drugs. It is a bad habit for celebrities to use their money but instead of taking their money in return for drugs, that a doctor knows will kill them… How about being a “caring and genuine” doctor towards your patient and put them therapy, seek help for them. Etok also states “no individual Doctor is responsible for Michael’s death,” and compares the singer’s passing to that of Elvis Presley, Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole Smith who all passed with drug cocktails in their system.”

Here is my 10%, at the end of the day is was Dr. Conrad her injected those lethal amounts into Jackson’s veins. He left him to die and had others clean up the mess made. If this was a pure mistake or if he was forced by Michael to inject him with more proporal he could have taken 2 steps : 1. Call 911 when Michael asked him to do so and have the them take Michael to get help. 2 NOT GIVE HIM THE INJECTIONS AND JUST TAKE THAT LOSS OF MONEY.
Now he killed an icon who he knew was not in the right mind set to know when to stop. He thought of money instead of saving a life and seeking help which would have made him a here instead of a money hungry killer (who i must say was NOT board certified) so whatever he gets from here… he deserves.Dr. Conrad was the one who injected him, he is the one who watched him die, he was the one that fled the scene so he is the one that needs to do 25 to life! Its so disappointing to me that people just don’t care for peoples worth anymore …Was the money worth it at the end…I think not!

Info : TMZ.COM
Letter To Barack Obama Click Here


R.I.P Aaliyah …You Will Always Be Remembered & Never Forgotten!

by Simply Veronica D.

R.I.P Aaliyah …I was on twitter and saw lala’s tweet about remembering Aaliyah Naughton, one of the most beautiful and purely multi-talented artist of our time in R&B. Such a beautiful sould was taken 8 years ago and today people are still remembering her …she was and is still very special and will always be remembered! We Love and Miss You Aaliyah , you are truly an angel! Bendicion….
Feel free to watch the video and think of the beautiful things she has done in such a short amount of time …TRULY AMAZING WOMAN!


Another B.Scott’s Scarlett Takes A Tumble ( Hillarious)

by Simply Veronica D.

Be patient you are in for a crack up of you life I promise you , Look at his face too when the reaction kicks in , I was laughing so hard that im crying right now and i cant help but keep watching this …Tell me this wasnt funny to you , you know it was !.