Michelle Rodriguez Went Loca At Best Friends Wedding!

by Simply Veronica D.

A few days ago our Locita Latina ,Michelle Rodriguez couldn’t help but be herself at her Best Friend/Manager/s wedding and was reported to be “one wild bridesmaid” thrusting guests into the pool at the welcome diner hosted by Giancarlo Chersich at the Casa de Campo Resort in the Dominican Republic. The New York Posts says Rodriguez at the bachelorette party shouted that the stripper was fat with a small beeeepppp and was pissed off when the stripper had his pepe’ in her friends face!Last but not least shouting “This is the kind of thing that brings out the bisexual in me” and at the wedding reception switched the dress for a pair of skinny jeans and a shirt, dancing the night away with both men and women…Michelle is a loca but she has always been a real Latina and one of the few to admit she likes both …hey what can you say she is a sexy azz chick! I dont think she ruined the wedding as others say and her best friend/manager knows out of everyone how Michelle is Im glad her friend defended her on her my space blog saying :”Michelle did not ruin our wedding. She is our dear friend and a sister to us. We know that with her, plenty of fun will always be had. Everyone had a great time and nothing happened that offended us in any way. We both are so glad Michelle was able to attend and bring a lot of fun with her to our blessed day. We both love Michelle so much! …So stop the bonchinche’ …she was just being the “life” of the partayyy !…A memorable one and those who attended will probably remember and laugh for months to come !

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