Is This Tyra Banks Real Hair???

by Simply Veronica D.

This week Tyra Banks announced on twitter that this week she will be exposing her real hair, but for now is wearing a wig or weave until that air date …but this looks like her real hair or is it a mockery of her real hair in wig form? Either way Tyra is fierce and you know it …weave-free hair on the September 8th season premiere of her talk show. She also would like to make that day a “National Real Hair Day so women can feel comfortable with being au natural! Tyra has accomplished so much but I don;t know about “National Real Hair Day” I don’t know if they are going to make it a national thing to be honest, eventually women will forget to not wear weaves or makeup etc, what if the “National Real Hair day” which would be Sept 8th (the day she takes the wig off) is a day a person has a photo shoot , an interview or and audition they may need that good good weave or wig to look good regardless of the “National Day” Tyra probably would forget herself she loves her some front lace wigs and I must say she has one of the best ones out there so its nice to show women that they are beautiful natural but unfortunately in the world we live in there is no such things is “natural”, people enhance themselves if its not in in makeup, its hair , if not hair then body or face …So lets see where this is gonna go …

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