Archive for August 20th, 2009



by Simply Veronica D.

You read correctly…I got arrested for being with “my girl” , wearing Bamboo earrings and a shirt thats says “Don’t Give Me Your Attitude..I Already Have One, with mary jane on my lap! Or is it because the cops saw my FRIEND and I, Two pretty females chillin and said to his partner “Lets play with these black lesbians”,(WHY DO WE HAVE TO BE LESBIANS JUST CAUSE ITS 2 GIRLS WHO ARE BEST FRIENDS HANGIN OUT?? ASSUMING MAKES AN ASS OUT OF YOU NOT ME!) they have a marijuana cigarette anyway more of a reason to?”. But let me first tell you from start to finish of my FIRST TIME in jail for 6 hours My friend and I decided to go to the heights by the water and look at the view of the city, talk and hang out, smoke then go to lunch! …yea you know what it was …mary jane but we did not smoke yet, didn’t even light the shyt! P.S. Yes I know mary jane is bad and I take full responsibility for my actions (but it does help me clear my mind a lot when Im stressing but not anymore) ! Anyway the car is parked and the door was open, the blunt was on my lap because i was waiting for my friend to get off the phone , a plain clothes cop comes to the car and asks for the “weed cigarette” so of course I gave it to him and he asked me if i had anymore? I said NO! So i stood up so he can see that I don’t have anything else , I also gave him my bag to let him see for himself ! He asked me where I live? Where did I get it from? I said the city and I was not the one who got it! (Mind you he did not tell me my rights before asking questions meaning I was not mirandized prior to being questioned about the crime like Im supposed to). He asked me If i’ve been arrested before I said NO, thats when my friend came in and said “I can vouch for her she is clean with no records, warrants,felonies not even a ticket! …YES! I HAD no record PERIOD! He looks at me like he doesn’t believe me and says well we have to see when we take her in. I said “In where”? I don’t know anything about being arrested so im asking questions. He said “You have to come to the precinct so we can see if your background is clean if it is then we will just give you a ticket, my friend is saying under her breath “I got you just don’t say nothing” All of a sudden this police van comes and he handcuffs me once again no rights said. I never felt handcuffs on my wrist and I told him that but he still tightened the cuffs ok thats 1, then the other cop puts me in the van an d tells my friend that she can meet me there , she says ok and follows the police van but the driver decides to ditch her and passes the red light leaving her in the dust and also not telling her the truth about what precinct i was going to, he told her 42 precinct when it was the 33rd precinct, so she had to find me smh. In the van the white cop driver say’s “You look familiar where do you live? , I said bx right now , he said no you don’t , I said yes I DO , he asks me if I have been arrested before I said no (why is that so hard to understand or believe?) Then he says did you smoke it? I said no it wasn’t even lit, his ass tells me ohh mann that sucks, I would have smoked that down (can you say police confession of smoking weed him self and he just got back on the job smh). I get to the precinct at 3:15 p.m and as they finish the paperwork at the desk, the same white cop touches my back and pulls my hair hard that my head goes back mind you my hair is in a loose ponytail! (WHY ARE U TOUCHIN ME) I cant do or say anything because im just in shock , They have me sit in a school chair and handcuffed me to the door for ten minutes while they got all the guys who were in the 1st cell in the 2nd cell so I can have the cell to my self , once the doors open thats when I really started to cry, before they have me enter the cell they have a lady search me who was nice (lucky she was spanish) so she told me to calm down, just lift my shirt up , pop my bra strap and she checked my pockets , she saw me tearing and said don’t worry you will be here 2 hours the most if you have a clean record, they will give you the “desk appearance ticket” and you will go home, I said thank you and Ok! At 3:30 I enter the cell and Im just crying , all I can do is cry and look at the clock till 2 hours is up , an hour passes and I’ve been trying to get every officer who passes my cell to let me go to the bathroom or have a bottle of water my mouth was dry and I was getting dehydrated out of the 6 that passed me only 2 came to me and i asked the same question to both of them, they told me one minute they will get it for me and NEVER came back, but the other officer just gave a whole bunch of guys who are in the other cell sandwiches, water and cigs (are you serious and I have the clean record , these guys have felonies and 6 counts of drugs etc). I asked the same officer the same questions again and also how long will it be till I can go he says “YOU HAVE TO ASK YOUR ARRESTING OFFICER” and walks off, OFFICER RICHARD BABOOLAL has not taken me out to get my finger prints and picture, instead he waits till the 2 hours is up to do the procedure, by now Im just crying harder, he finally comes at 5 p.m and tries to make convo while he takes my prints and picture in the room , I cut him off and ask him how come I was arrested but my friend wasn’t and the weed was in her car period, he said “Cause you had the weed cigarette ,I said ok and he takes my photo , his partner comes in and says put your arms down its ok , OFFICER RICHARD BABOOLAL once again tells him “she never been arrested before” , he looks at me and says “Never??” I said NO! and just looks at me in shock , OFFICER BABOOLAL comes out and tells me “Your friend fucked you…She owes you dinner tonight!” (thats 2! hmmm sounds like he has a problem with 2 girls chillin, ASSUMING we are lovers)!. I stay shut but i know that technically he was supposed to take both of us for mary jane period! I go back in my cell and the other cop who was already in the van that was there said “oh i forgot to tell you, your friend said to tell you not to go anywhere that she is picking you up” in my head Im like wow, now you tell me what if i just left and assumed she never came and wasn’t there and then we would have no longer been friends and most likely enemies , that just made me more upset. 6 p.m. hits and no food, water and holding my urine smh, 2 girls come from the pool handcuffed for fighting , one girl has a bloody knee and her cheek is swollen and the other girls face was really swollen n banged up, they put the black girl with the bloody knee in the cell and the spanish girl in the office to be taken cared of by the E.M.T, did the the black girl get cleaned up by the E.M.T?? NO they didn’t even pay her any mind but I think its because she was the one who kept kicking the spanish girl in the head and knocked her in the face with her bag which had a flat iron in it (yea she was tellinG me the story) But her mom was there waiting , they were both gone in 15 mins flat and back in the streets , thats when i started to get aggy cause you have 2 females wanting to kill each other and you let them back in the street but me who was minding my business in the car, is being treated like I have warrants like those girls. 7p.m hits OFFICER BABOOLAL’s partner brings the guys in the other cell Mc Donald’s with water and cigs …Me NOTHIN! Yet when my friend asked if she can give me something, she knew I have not eaten all day and the plan was to smoke then eat… he told her “NO but you can give her a message, what you want me to tell her? …That you love her??” (thats 3 of a sign off lesbian/black hate crime…O.M.G these cops are nuts) but she told him “YES AND THAT IM HERE” … they are still passing by me as I say “excuse me sir” to get their attention. 8p.m. hits and now Im just furious, Im punching walls and bangin my back into the wall cause im so frustrated, dehydrated and my eye sight is very blurry as if I was going to pass out! And I still have not seen OFFICER RICHARD BABOOLAL since 5 when he took my prints. 8:45 hits and NOW he finally lets me go and says I have to be in court on Sept 14 at 9:30 at 100 centre st, I grabbed the paper from him and said out loud ” 2 girls wanna kill each other and they are back in the street in 15 minutes with the same fucking ticket that i been waiting 6 hours for and stormed OUT! My friend trying to catch up to me is like Nique hold up why are you walking so fast ? I just wanted to get away from that cop and that precinct as fast as possible, I didn’t even have to use the bathroom anymore because i held it in for so long. I was sick hungry, tired and just shocked at how they treated me knowing I had NO history. I needed 2 days to myself to get my mind right cause even after I left and came home, I still cried myself to sleep and woke up feeling like a tortured soul. I tried to blog but couldn’t it was just too much to take in especially for being a first timer but now as my eyes water because I remember it as if it was last night , I see how a lot of cops really are, how they talk, how they act and what they do to people, I understand if you do the crime you do the time but the guys in the other cell was having a party with food, water and cigs , laughing and joking with the cops and one had 2 felonies, 1 got caught selling weed 3 times already , another guy had 6 charges for mary jane and the other boy was caught selling coke and fighting with his enemy! Where is the justice and equality? I was treated inhumane while they were treated like friends and they are criminals who are there on a regular basis, one cop told a guy who was arrested at 7p.m. “Come on you know what to do this is your second home!” as he was removing his belt and shoe laces smh, Im a female and they are males and none of these male cops had any remorse for me even as they saw me crying and becoming dehydrated. I had a lot of respect for cops and felt like a lot of them are misunderstood but NOW HELL NO , They are mean,inconsiderate, self-righteous, sarcastic & lazy individuals that wait till the last minute to get their job done, and they do it on purpose, I understand to do it to a person who always gets in trouble, who gives you attitude or is disrespectful but I was quiet, polite and patiently waiting and crying till i was numb, he was spiteful, the real reason in my opinion is because he thought my friend and I were lovers and he probably felt some type of way (discrimination). The next day I wrote everything down of what happened as I am writing to all of you now, I read on the internet that I was supposed to be mirandized and that inhumane treatment is wrong & I can sue and take him to court once I notarize my testimony and go to the precinct in my borough to file a complaint. So I called a few lawyers to ask what can I do ? Out of the 4 lawyers I called only 1 said he will try to help me and to come in monday at 4:30, the other lawyers said that what happened to me was not bad enough to go to court for smh and one lawyer said I can fight the mary jane case but not the other stuff you’re talking about because its irrelevant, that made me so pissed that i told him ok ” fuck you” bye!(Its sad that cops and lawyers go hand in hand …so who is there to protect us then??) I used to be a believer of the system but now I completely lost faith in it! I see now why some people hate cops because now i was the victim of a hate crime when she is only MY FRIEND! , I didn’t before and always respected them but they didn’t respect me and didn’t follow “Guilty till proven innocent” Instead I was black and I had big bamboo earrings and a shirt that had attitude in the sentence plus I had a joint that was not lit just on my lap so to them Im a hood rat (yup a hood rat with a catholic school education my whole life and a college degree, with 2 parents who don’t smoke or drink are successful , still married and have squeaky clean backgrounds also) yup I definitely had to have some type of past, they used my image and the fact that I was with another female alone to automatically treat me like I was guilty but funny how he couldn’t really look at me when he gave me my ticket cause his ass knew I wasn’t lying all that time and i had a clean past….He was supposed to treat me like a criminal AFTER he knew for a fact that it was lying about not having a record, he didn’t and took advantage of the fact that I was the only female & procrastinated to do his job of finding out if i was really was clean . If the weed cigarette was that much of a big deal why wasn’t I finger printed the first hour I was there he only had 2 other arrests prior to me and both of them already have records …. and FYI when we spoke to him before i was arrested he asked his partner what should we do …His partner didn’t care, wasn’t paying attention either and looked like he just wanted to confiscate it, give me a ticket and have us leave the premises(like what could have been done for a first timer to begin with, and I know for a fact a few of my friends who were first timers and were caught in the street was given a summons and was on their way). It was OFFICER RICHARD BABOOLAL who wanted to make it more than what it was and abuse his position to have me arrested and if he just gave me the ticket …It would have been a lessoned learned as is cause money doesn’t grow on trees and I would have to pay for the ticket but instead he wanted to show off and make a scene which just ended in me disliking cops and he ended up looking dumb for assuming that I had a record! Good for his ass cause karma exists and what goes around comes around! Lessoned learned but now I have a major dislike for the BOYS IN BLUE! I hope this doesn’t happen to anyone including those straight, gay, lesbian whatever…a cop has no right to handle a person of innocence in that manner