Archive for August 14th, 2009


PitBull On Wendy Williams Says….

by Simply Veronica D.

…Ask Wendy To Hook You Up!

Obama & Sonia Succeed Shouldnt We???

by Simply Veronica D.

President Obama is a busy man but he still took the time yesterday to acknowledge & honor of the first Latina Supreme Court justice, Sonia Sotomayor.

It began with televised remarks from both Obama and Sotomayor and followed by a private reception with a few hundred friends, family and supporters. “While this is Justice Sotomayor’s achievement, the result of her ability and determination, this moment is not just about her. It’s about every child who will grow up thinking to him or herself, ‘If Sonia Sotomayor can make it, then maybe I can too,’ ” Obama said. “This is a great day for America.”She also spoke emotionally saying, “It is our nation’s faith in a more perfect union that allows a Puerto Rican girl from the Bronx to stand here now. I am struck again today by the wonder of my own life and the life we in America are so privileged to lead.” Quotes From : Latina Magazine
The country’s first black president was the one who ushered in our first Latina Supreme Court justice!

What does that tell you …We are all the same we are colored no matter spanish, black , puerto rican, dominican we are colored people and we should all be united as that . If Obama can diversify his office then we can succeed if we diversify our life and support each other! I am PROUD to be part of both nationality’s and blessed to see all of this taking place from The first Black President to the first Latina in Sumpreme Justice from my hood! The stereotypes are slowly disintegrating because they proved themselves ::meaning we have no excuse not to succeed, “The white man brings us down” is no longer an excuse cause Obama and Sonia sure passed the white man when they made office !


Grace Jones & Amber Rose (Before and After)

by Simply Veronica D.

These photos were interesting to me, how black women are perceived in the fashion world ,when it comes to black women. Even though the photos are decades apart the message to me shows that black women in fashion are “Fierce and Cant be Tamed” Sounds like a compliment to me and Amber Rose Is killin this updated shoot ….Let me find out Kanye got himself an upcoming model!!!

She also talks about Being Bi-sexual (Quote Found On

“Yeah, they label me a bisexual freak stripper that f*cks Kanye on a daily basis. [Laughs.] You know: “Amber Rose, the f*cking bisexual, dyke, freak, whatever the f*ck.” To answer that: I’m extremely open with my sexuality. I can be in love with a woman, I can be in love with a man. I’m not into bestiality [laughs] but as far as humans go, I definitely find beauty in everybody, whether they’re heavy-set, super-skinny, if they’re white, black, Indian, Asian, Spanish. I can see beauty in anybody. I’m not into threesomes or orgies and shit like that. If I see a women and I think she’s beautiful and I like her, and she likes me back we can definitely try to be in a relationship together”.

My Opinion: Thats what you call a clean bisexual , if she falls with a man she will be with a man, if it’s a female then so be it too, not the ones that do both at the same time and wonder why they are itching a few days after! You got my brownie points girl, I can always respect a straight up woman who is not afraid to be herself! Being honest will always keep haters wondering what’s next because they dont know if you already been honest about yourself! Keep doing ya thang girl you got a lot of potential in you! Do what you do boo boo “Pretty Woman” ..cant find it a bad thing, look at the outcome in the movie !


Kourtny K Is 5 Months Preggo! On Wendy Williams!

by Simply Veronica D.

“We were in the Everglades and I kept feeling nauseous and sick,” Kourtney tells E!. “I just kept thinking something wasn’t right. … I went to the doctor and he confirmed the news. I was just so shocked.”

Yup she clarifies it on Wendy Williams she is 5 months pregnant with Scott’s Baby yayyy Kourtney ! She states she is ready she has lived her life and will just have to get used to her selfish ways lol …Will we be hearing wedding bells soon???

Stay Tuned!