Archive for August 12th, 2009


Fefe Does It Again LIVE!

by Simply Veronica D.

Im so bummed that I didnt get to see the whole show, running late due to NYC’s stupid traffic but was able to meet Fefe and her publicist (who are 2 sweet down to earth people).They are now my favs and you guys know thats a specialty lol. Fefe is definitely the same girl who first arrived on the scene… to be exact even better. Same attitude but older and more beautiful or maybe its because I saw her face to face, but to me her photos doesn’t do her any justice AT ALL! She is really a down to earth girl , not snobby , stuck upor a diva “Fefe is Fefe” and the proof is in the pudding like my mom says , a kick ass rocker who will soon enough knock Rhi rhi out the box . She’s Definitely an artist to look out for ,not because she has crazy energy on stage but because off the stage she is true to herself compared to many artist who get signed and get all “high & mighty” , Fefe is very humble, modest and very appreciative of her fans and the people around her .At first I was so upset (::: lying::: still upset ) that i didnt get to see the whole performance but I Iook forward to seeing her perform again (this time Im leaving 3 hours before and my ass is taking a cab with air conditioning. I dont mind taking the time to support not only a true artist surrounded by superficial but a person who is soo under estimated and soo far from the diva type look wise and personality, (meaning not full of Gucci, Prada & Fendi). She is just a young woman who enjoys her talent and life without the cocky crap. Was it worth staying awake till 5 to be one of the first few to add the new videos on my blog? YES and I would do it again. I am very fickle when it comes to people in the industry because 95 percent of the time you always meet their representative and not the real deal. Fefe is truly as genuine as they come. Thanks for inviting me & it was nice speaking to you guys. I wish you all the best! Don’t be strangers :)…now for the best part of this blog…. Fefe Live At The Mercury Lounge! (Watch this little lady rock!!!!)

I Want You (Fav)

“Watch Me Move”

“With her new release, JOY, Fefe has created the music she has always wanted to and she couldn’t be happier. “I made an album with my friends. Dave Lichens, Jon Levine, Dean Dichoso, Gadget, the Heavy Steadies, Chris Smith and the 21 team. They all helped me actualize my Joy, and I did it with a permanent smile on my face,” states a more confident Fefe”.Quote From TreMedia